mercredi 3 juin 2009

Benefits of vaporization?

Here are a few points to discover an important aspect of vaporizing : the health benefit.
When you smoke a joint or a tobacco, the materials are burned and create smoke. This create many by-product, canciregen or negatif for the body and the health. Also it makes a killer breath.
The vaporizers get rid carcinogenic smoke, and your smoke contain infinitly less tar, goudron and other disrubtive elements. Furtermore, the combination tobacco+cannabis create 70% more carcinogenic byproduct than a strong cigaret.

Also it's good for your money. The vaporizer is designed to get an evaporation of THC and not a combustion. This make the smoke 95% pure THC. Thus you'll need only 1/2 or 1/3 of what you put in a joint. So if you haven't plan to quit smoking weed toomorow, a vaporizer is a good investment.

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