jeudi 22 juillet 2010

Vaporgenie : best portable vaporizer ?

Sometimes I am tired of vaporizers : too big, not handy... I just want a simple thing to vaporizer in my house or outside, in the summer or in the winter.
It sounds like the vaporgenie company hear me ! That's why they have been creating the vaporgenie vaporizer. Since I have tried it, I really love it I must say.

The vaporgenie is a vaporizing pipe used to inhale marijuana. It's very easy to use, even if you need to learn how to use it. A few uses will help you to figure this out.
Plus it's very cheap ! Like 50 bucks or less... So nice !

You won't miss it ! For more reviews, test or demo of the vaporgenie, click here !

If you want to know more about the vaporgenie, have a look on the vaporgenie vaporizer website.